(cover photo) Right now, total student debt in the US stands at approximately 1.75 trillion dollars, with 42.9 million Americans owing an average of $36,510 each (source). Total US personal debt, including student loans, is about

In January of 2017, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt, the UAE, Yemen, and the Maldives each cut diplomatic and economic ties with Qatar, in response to Qatar’s friendly relationship with Iran and its satellites. They were

Every American, whether Democrat, Republican, third party, or even unregistered, should question the results of the 2020 presidential election.  Setting aside anecdotal evidence and specific allegations of fraud, even setting aside questions as to the

Four years ago, I knew I couldn’t vote for Clinton, but I wasn’t impressed by Trump either. I had hoped for a different GOP nominee. I seriously considered voting third party. Paying

Over the last fifteen years, America's major political parties have undergone a major realignment, resulting in an overwhelming degree of political polarization among the electorate. Why? One of the great misconceptions about American politics is that

A body that shirks its most basic functions and refuses to enforce an ethical standard of behavior on its own membership can hardly expect voters to respect the use of its most exceptional and unwieldy