By Consensus: California is at the Bottom In Economic Freedom

Is California doing as well as Jerry Brown’s approval ratings?

Of course, the answer is no.  California is #1 in poverty and at the bottom when it comes to economic freedom.  Those two statistics belong in the same sentence because the first is caused by the latter.

As to economic freedom, three different analyses have ranked California at the bottom.

They are:

The Fraser Institute’s 2017 Economic Freedom of North America (EFNA) report which ranked  New York 50th and California 49th. The Freedom in the 50 States 2016 report also had New York 50th and California 49th. Meanwhile, the 2017 State Business Tax Climate Index ranked New York 49 and California 48 and New Jersey 50.

That sounds like a consensus to me and it is no fluke.  According to Investor’s Business Daily, California has been in the bottom five for 14 of the past 15 years.

Will the major media in California report on that?  Don’t count on it.

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