Update: Librarian Exposed as a Massive Phony After “Melania Trump fires back at librarian who rejected gift of Dr. Seuss books as ‘racist’”

As the start of the day, I wrote this

An endless number of people on the Left complain about what America isn’t and then tell us what America should be.  They seek to tear down statues, cities and institutions – because they don’t live up their contemporary views.

Some have apologized for some of this and said at least some of the statues should come down.  They assured us that no one is advocating more than that.

The problem with that, however, is that when you light a fire, you cannot complain what get’s burned.

That is the dynamic of the mob.

Read The Full Article

Byt he end of the day, it became evident that two years ago the same teacher “The Massachusetts school librarian who rejected Melania Trump’s book donation, saying Dr. Suess books are ‘steeped in racist propaganda’, dressed up as The Cat in the Hat two years ago.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4934052/Melania-hits-librarian-rejected-donation.html#ixzz4u6DqiX4L

How desperate are the haters?


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