Kamala Harris will Backstab the Black Community

Kamala Harris, you have been a puppet and a puppet master for more than sixteen years! The Black community is being decimated. The Asian and Latinos are not complete allies to the Black community. Yet you have remained silent as we are gentrified by an out of control crashing of our borders. Nothing about your implied “SECRET PLAN” bodes well for Blacks of the 22nd century! So, exactly what is it we are moving forward towards? If the last sixteen years is an indication of the trajectory of this vaulted “moving forward,” Blacks need to separate from you immediately. isn’t that what Christians are called to do? Separate the wheat from the tare? Your words have always been divisive. Now you stand here and try to call good evil and evil good, with nothing but desolation as your true track record. Even the honorable Louis Farrakhan called you out!

Obama, in our darkest hour, where have you been? I was born and raised on the Southside of Chicago to a single mom, not one of privileges like you were. I don’t recognize you or Kamala; you’re not one of us! Yet, you lead us “FORWARD” to the slaughter. Black America look around! Does this get any better for us with these two and their handlers controlling America? If you are honest with yourselves, you will see that the true path forward does not come from this group of “Black Leaders.” From the first day I gazed at you in 2007 it was given to me to dub you “The Sardinian Swordsman to America.” Many were upset at me then for saying that, but as with many things I speak, they come to pass or the words are vindicated.

Black America, look at these two very carefully. They both wreak of the lies and deceptions of ages that has always caused suffering and death for millions. They both come from fathers who would spit on the Constitution if they could. This man Obama educated himself on the Constitution, not for the benefit of the black people. No! He did it because it is wise to know thy enemy. The disdain these two have for America is at almost treasonous levels. I say to you now Black America, cast them aside! Look beyond them and Kamala’s Chinese emissary Waltz and see; just exactly where is this cabal leading you, your children and their children towards? If their DNC convention is any clue, it starts with seducing you with trying to appear cool, like one of us, using rappers, and “Megan The Stallion” with lasciviousness.

They even had abortion clinics out front of the convention for your convenience, so you can be unburdened by what has been and resume following them to what? More Joy? As Ice Cube said: “Here’s what they think of you!” If this didn’t resonate, I hope you enjoy those greens Kamala!

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