German voters have given an epic thumbs down to their leaders in an upsetting election for Germany’s ruling parties. Chancellor Angela Merkel, “Mutti” (mother) as she has come to be known, has welcomed over 1 million

The headline from the The Hill newspaper/website may well be the understatement of the year "Mass Shootings Rekindles Gun Debate."  It is also a headline that has been oft repeated with each such tragedy -

In modern times, we have not seen anyone in politics like Donald Trump. As I wrote previously in this column, the Trump Paradox is this: Mr. Trump needs the cooperation of people who don’t like his

"America is reeling from the worst mass shooting in its history after at least 50 people were killed and more than 406 wounded at a country music festival in Las Vegas on Sunday night." Read Full

Irma, Maria and Corruption are a trifecta of issues for the island nation. Over the years, Puerto Rico has voted for independence. It is a vote meant to set the stage for Pueto Rico to become

One of the dynamics of the television/Internet age, is that the world is a much smaller place.  Whatever happens in one place is easily known thousands of miles away. In politics, that has tended to make