Amber Rose Shines at Republican Convention

When I first heard the news Amber Rose would speak at the Republican Convention, I must admit “I felt some kind of way.” Matt Walsh took a very hateful view that exposes the negativity of his character. Here I am born and raised on Chicago’s Southside and been a republican since 1974: Back when being a black Republican wasn’t cool at all! I have watched the Republicans turn cartwheels trying to rub shoulders with the elite of the left and leaping over or stepping on their own constituency just to hob knob with the left. This has often blown up in their faces. Let us pray she isn’t really Amorosa in an Amber mask… After hearing her speech, I was reminded of something: we are to be the salt and the light to this world. This young lady as they say, has been “Run Through.” Yet there was her father in the audience, showing her unconditional love and acceptance. Just “What Jesus Would Do” and want us to do as well. Her father brought her into the company of those he believed in and who he knew would be good to his daughter. He took her to a place where there is bread and water, and away from hearts of stone.

Speaking of stones, when it comes to this young lady Amber Rose, and keeping in mind our lord Jesus Christ, I checked my hands for stones, and to my shame saw I had one in my hand. I let it fall to the ground as my mind glossed over my many sins and the many times the lord has forgiven me. So this young lady liken to Mary Magdalene that Jesus encountered. When Jesus came upon Mary ripe in her sin. He forgave her of her sins with one clear instruction,, “Go your way and Sin no more.” What makes the Republican party so unique, so special? It was created for those just like her. So when she said she felt like she was home, that means as Christians we did our job, our great commission. We became doers of the word, Amen.

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