Rafah Operation Imminent

Israel prepares to enter Rafah and finish off Hamas. College protests see violence against Jews, exclusion of Jews from campus, and calls for a second Holocaust. Can WW3 be prevented? What lessons can be learned from the failure to prevent the Second World War.

Chaos prevails on college campuses as pro -Palestinian protesters, commit acts of violence against Jewish students, prevent Jewish students from entering college campus, and advocate for a second Holocaust. Israel prepares for its operation in Rafa, which could begin any day now. Prime Minister Netanyahu is giving Hamas one last opportunity to come forward with more hostages to secure a temporary ceasefire. And finally, as we work to prevent World War III from coming to a direct confrontation, what lessons can we learn from the failures to prevent the Second World War?

Welcome back, insiders. Coming back to you, trying to keep up with my weekly episode. Did manage to get one recorded during the Chag hamatzot. Of course, I’m back again recording some more for you. So hopefully this will continue the story. Last episode, little bit of an angry rant, ran a little longer than I intended. Really want to keep these an hour, hour and 15 minutes or an hour and a half; but I keep going over. There’s so much to say. I could just talk for hours and just keep going, but I will, as always, I try to keep these things succinct and that kind of thing. As always, your gregarious Vulcan, yours truly, your lovable Landsman, and yes, all those things! Your Shadow President… You get the 20 IQ points, 20 bonus IQ points, just for listening. Here on Inside Israel News where I work to keep you informed about everything, absolutely everything, offer historical perspective about things and that kind of thing. It is good to be able to bring the podcast. I actually enjoy doing it. It doesn’t do anything for me other than just put it out there and appreciate you guys listening.

Man what a week, it’s so many things going on. I want to start on something positive, I like to be optimistic, I really do, you know, there’s so many times I’m making this podcast and I’m just thinking to myself like the old Kelly’s Heroes, you know, always with those negative waves. I mean, it’s just negativity after negativity after negativity out there and I have to talk about all of it because, you know, it’s relevant to what’s going on in the world right now, it’s important. But I do want to be able to throw some positive waves your way.

picking up good vibrations. No, I’m not that old. I just grew up in Santa Cruz, California. It was a very hippie place. So, yeah, you can tell. If you know, you know, right? Okay. So, some entertainment thoughts. I did get a chance to see Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare with my oldest boys. Great show. What a movie. I mean, every now and then they can make something good.

still, you know, with decent suspense and action and little bloodletting, but I mean, you know, killing Nazis. I mean, what could be more beautiful? Right. So it was just a good wholesome fun time full of kinds of things. And, you know, bringing back beauty and, you know, being sexy. Right. I mean, there’s so many of these movies today when you just, you look at the cast and it’s like, who thought these people would be the people you wanna see in a movie? Like, oh my God, you know? So great performances all around by the cast, obviously. Henry Cavill’s good and Aza Gonzalez is just, she’s beautiful. She’ll turn your temperature up. But I have to say, of all of the, the cast members, and I mean, of all of them, Alan Richson is just, he gets to have the most fun. Anyway, it’s a really great show, loosely based on historical events, but you know, Hollywood is a long history of having a little fun with historical reality in order to entertain us. But you know, really good times. And you know, it’s a good time.

But in any case, you get some really good stuff there in our entertainment world. It’s not often I get to see good movies, so I make a note of them. And recently, I took the kids out to see Kung Fu Panda 4, and it’s like, they liked it. It was fun. We go to movies once every six months. There’s nothing out we want to see, usually. And typically, I just stream the movies at home.

you know, it’s safer, it’s in our environment. I usually view them myself beforehand so I know what is in the movie or my wife does, you know. That way we don’t have any surprises with the little, little kids. Some of that’s the woke content, but not just that. These days, you never know. They make these things for teenagers, for God’s sake, and it’s like, some pretty sick stuff in some of these movies. But generally speaking, children’s entertainment should be children’s entertainment.

Yeah, so in addition to that, so Kung Fu Panda 4 turned out to be okay and we recently streamed Wonka. I just have to take one minute to say, you know, Timothee Chalamet is really, really good, great actor. Not only in Dune where he did a great job there, but you know, as Willy Wonka. Who knew? He can sing. It’s good stuff. And the last thing I wanna, the last show I wanna harp on, cause it,

just been enjoying that kind of it. I just finished it. I’m so busy I never get a chance to watch her. Just enjoy myself very often. But anyway, is Shogun. Oh, you know, I was excited about it from the first because I’m a big fan of Anna Sawai. She hasn’t been in many things that are really good, like she was in the Monarch series, which was like, ugh, wasted my time. In fact, basically, she and a couple of the Japanese actors were the only reason I watched because it just…

Anyway, I won’t go there. But Anna Sawai is a really great actress, made the show look really good. And of course, it also has Sanada Hiroyuki, who is also an incredible actor playing the role of this guy, Torinaga. It’s a fictionalized version of the events that led to the Battle of Sekigahara, where Tokugawa Ieyasu defeated the… this guy, you know.

Ishido and you know, they went on and sacked Osaka Castle and it became the Shogun, right? Anyway, but it’s a really good series and loosely based again on true events, but not quite that way. In any case, it was a lot of fun. I enjoyed it much. I think those are fun things to watch. They did a little bit of the moral relativism thing, which is typically kind of a woke thing, except that in medieval time, you know, you’re talking about the 17th century Europe.

was a pretty barbaric place. So we’re talking about, you know, the meeting of East and West at that time, where to be perfectly frank, you know, East Asia was much more civilized than Europe at the time. I mean, Europe was on its comeuppance, okay, you know, it was ascendant and headed in a good direction. And within a century or so, we were gonna start to get, you know, Descartes and Spinoza and, you know, but at that time, you know, average European, especially in the winter, would live with their animals. You know what I mean? Like, in the same house, under the same roof. So it was just fun to watch, because it’s like, you know, they treat him like he’s a barbarian, and to be perfectly frank, he probably is. Europeans in that time, compared to the more highly developed civilizations of East Asia at the time. But, and they don’t shy away from, you know, some of the historical facts of the time. You know, seppuku, it was a fact of Japanese culture at the time, they don’t shy away from that.

They have some really beautiful scenes there of the ritual suicides. I think in history we shouldn’t shy away from the truth. Sometimes the truth was pretty brutal. Finally we’ve got some shows out there now sort of portraying the Vikings a little more accurately. Hey, I have Swedish ancestors. The Swedes were kind of the hippies of the Nordic world, but there weren’t so many great Vikings that were Swedish. But they…

you know, raped and pillaged and were heavily destructive according to the historical record. There is no reason for us to shy away from that or be ashamed of it. That’s what happened, okay? You know, there you are. So I think that’s a good thing. Anyway, it’s awesome. So there are some fun things to go to and watch and, you know, hope that’s some positive there. Just wanted to keep on the, you know, keep those positive waves, you know, let’s.

Think about the good future. And I try here, so now onto my next topic, transition. I do try to be optimistic. I have a strong belief in a positive future. Things are generally going to get better, not worse. And you have a lot of these people out there, right and left out there, you know, the world’s coming to an end. It’s right -wing fascists, left -wing nutjobs. I mean, people just all over the place. The Wokies are gonna kill everybody. I mean, like, wow, dude. There are certainly dangers.

But you know what? I have just a little bit of faith in the human spirit, certainly in liberty. We’re gonna be okay. Somehow we’re gonna manage to get our way through this. The level of difficulty on that is just going to depend on stalwartness, which I’m gonna talk about a little bit at the end as I talk about how do we prevent World War III, for example, which would be a very positive thing if we could avoid direct confrontation. But at the same time, look at the historical record. But let’s be optimistic. As horrible as human history can be, there are also some really awesome events and some really positive things that have come. And we don’t have to be completely negative all the time. All right, so with that, moving on. Speaking of entertainment, let’s talk a little bit about.

Oh, good God. Anyway, let’s talk about your friend and mine, Bill Maher. This is a great example of delusion here and I just have to talk about it. Honestly, to see, I saw clips of it on YouTube short and I had to go find the episode, season 22, episode six. His guest stars, his guests in this case are Batya Ungar-Sargon and Tim Ryan, the defeated Senate candidate from Ohio. And after watching this, I’m.

I’m very grateful for JD Dance, very grateful that Tim Ryan isn’t in the Senate. He doesn’t seem to know reality when he sees it. Anyway, so you have this conversation going on. And if you watch the episode and the segment that I’m talking about where they’re just talking about Trump and voters, Batya is trying to, so real quick, I mean, you might know who Tim Ryan is, former congressman, ran for Senate. Obviously Bill Maher is pretty well known. You can go look.

So, Batya Ungar-Sargon is a writer. She works for Newsweek. And she’s written a couple of books out there, you know, how the woke media is betraying democracy, which valid point, and how the elites have betrayed the working class. So I’m very keen on, you know, her work because she’s gone out, she has looked at the working class people, the average people, and talked to them.

and come to understand our plight, right? You know, like I said, I’m just a landsman too. And try to understand where we’re coming from, right? Where people like Bill Maher and Tim Ryan really don’t care. We can go suck a lemon as far as they’re concerned. So, and I say that tongue in cheek to a certain degree, but you know, Bill Maher has been better than some others. He has certainly not been completely woke-ified for sure.

But at the same time, he’s on his rants and this kind of thing, and he talks about, well, Trump is guilty. And it’s like, you understand that you’re entitled to that opinion, but that opinion is not law. It doesn’t make it true just because you think it. Anyway, so she’s sitting there explaining to them, trying to explain to them why people support Trump. And she’s saying, look, most people don’t see Trump as a conservative. They see him as somebody who is more liberal.

generally speaking, who reaches out to minority voters, who’s very sort of moderate as Republicans go, but who’s very focused on rebuilding the economy, strengthening the American spirit, rebuilding America, make America great again, this kind of thing. And she says, and his supporters love him for that. Of course we do, right? This kind of thing. And I just had, let me pause there to take it, just deepen her commentary a little bit. You know.

Back in 2015, in early 2016, when we were coming into the primaries, one of the reasons I didn’t myself support Trump was that he’s not conservative, right? And I just didn’t see how he could advance the conservative agenda. The man is not an ideologue, it’s not ideological at all, right? I know what Ted Cruz’s beliefs are, I know that he’s conservative because that is his ideology. He and I share that, that we want to conserve traditional values, advocate for that, people are free to live however they want.

force anybody to, but you know, generally speaking, advocate for a conservative or traditionalist way of doing things. Obviously, when we don’t convince people that we’re right, when they are unconvinced, then they don’t vote in our direction. But Donald Trump wasn’t with that program. And I later realized that he’s actually more effective in promoting the conservative agenda in many ways. But right before the South Carolina primary in 2016,

There was a debate. And in that debate, Donald Trump praised Planned Parenthood in a debate for the Republican nomination right before the South Carolina primary, which he won, right? So a social conservative hardliner, Donald Trump is not. And so for Bill Maher and Tim Ryan to be talking about him, like he’s some kind of hardcore conservative, Christian conservative, whatever, nonsense, absolute nonsense. There’s…

There are a lot of things from a religious conservative point of view, I haven’t been yet, but also, that we have a lot of bones to pick. There are a lot of things to disagree with. I mean, Trump’s on what is third marriage. Like I’ve said, he’s a hard guy for me to relate to. I can relate to Ted Cruz. He married a woman and had a bunch of kids. I married a woman and had a bunch of kids. We’re both believers in morality and this kind of thing and good, wholesome family values. Well, you know.

Trump has tried though, you can see with his children, that he has tried very hard to be a good father and that kind of thing. But in any case, the point is, this guy’s not a hardline conservative. I think after he came into office, he took a look at the polls and realized that a majority of Americans support the heartbeat ban and actually younger Americans are more pro -life than older Americans, right? So as you get into younger millennials and Gen Z, you get people who are more likely to advocate for a heartbeat ban, more likely to support a complete ban on abortion.

It’s like, if you look at those polls, you realize which way the wind is blowing. And that’s why the second year of his presidency, but not the first, he went to the March for Life and spoke there. And of course, his judges are people who obviously did overturn Roe v. Wade, but not, that wasn’t the primary thing there. It was, you know, he picked Neil Gorsuch, who was a very good successor to Antonin Scalia, someone very much in that sort of judicial mindset of the great Scalia.

uh, and, you know, Brett Kavanaugh, very sensible, moderate judge, and in fact, if the left had just let him be confirmed, he’d probably be with John Roberts most of the time. The way they turned that into a circus really was, I mean, it was awakening for all of us, I mean, oh my God, to take some good family man and accuse him of everything under the sun and lie and come up with most ridiculous allegations and this kind of thing, um, you know, and, and, and for his poor wife to have to sit in the courtroom, red -faced, and, and have to listen to this

crap, this absolute tripe, they convinced him to be a conservative. And he’s been a pretty good vote on the SCOTUS since then. And obviously, I cannot say enough about ACB. Amy Coney Barrett is a great justice. In any case, they’re not so much like conservative judges in that they’re activist social conservatives. They have an interpretation of the Constitution that, you know, focuses on the law.

and interpreting the Constitution properly and not being activist, you know, not advocating either way, right? It’s up to we the people, like our states should make laws, right? So with Dobbs’ decisions, like, so now if your state wants abortion to be legal, if you want, you know, if you live in California, fine, that’s California’s law. You want to live in Texas? Texas has a different law, you know, and Texas has the law that suits the people of Texas. Alabama has laws that suit Alabama. Kansas, we voted down a measure.

that would have restricted abortion a little bit in our state. And since then, it’s only been restricted slightly, but for the most part, it’s still legal in Kansas, but there’s the question of for how long until the state legislature is able to at least regulate the healthcare and that kind of thing. In any case, the point is that should be up to the states. It is, right? And now that whole thing is a dead issue. They’re out there trying to.

claim that somehow, you know, there’s this great threat to women’s rights. The great threat to women’s rights is erasing women, which the Biden administration is trying to do in reinterpreting Title IX to refer to gender and not sex, you know, gender transition and all this kind of thing, trying to redefine anti -discrimination laws against women to destroy women’s rights by making men into women.

My friends, trying to keep positive vibes, but I’m about to… All right. It is difficult being a sane man in the land of the lunatics. But obviously I don’t think that’s gonna stand. That’s obviously gonna come back and we’ll get back. But anyway, so the people who are trying to destroy women’s rights are claiming we’re trying to destroy women’s rights. Oh, wow, okay.

All right, so back to Angus Sargon. She’s trying to explain this to them. The working class people feel that Trump cares for their interests and fights for their interests. Where would we get that impression from? Well, the four years that he worked for our interests and fought for our interests. So, she’s trying to break that down to them. And Tim Ryan there, oh, the only legislative accomplishment he had was a tax cut for the rich. Again,

I know it’s politics, okay, but what BS? It was a corporate tax cut. It was a tax cut to make our corporate taxes more competitive. Quick side note here, been a big issue for me for a long time because once you get out of America, I have an MBA from Israel’s top business school, you go to other countries and it’s like, you talk to people and they’re just like, well, how can you do business in America? God, the corporate taxes are so high.

among the highest in the world. They’re completely uncompetitive. How do you get by? And to keep having to shrug and be like, yeah, our government does just about everything wrong. So anyway, even more like social democratic countries, that means further left than the Democrats in this country usually, even they understand that if corporate taxes are too high, you don’t have the private market to…

private economy that pays for all your social program. Anyway, so one of the things I liked about Chuck Schumer back in 1998, when I was just a callow youth, and he was running for Senate the first time, was that he was attacking that issue, saying corporate tax rates were too high. But then when 2017 came around, and it came time to vote them down, of course he was against it, because, you know, orange man bad. And whatever orange man wants to do, he’s wrong. So.

He wanted to lower corporate tax rates down to 20%. Republicans wanted to cut the top tax rate. His own party went against him on that. So he compromised corporate taxes to 21%. Top tax rate was able to come down a little bit. So private personal taxes came down a little bit, granted. But the purpose was to lower corporate taxes to make our companies more competitive. It also repatriated cash to the US. Hold that thought for a second. So when that passed, if you remember,

If you were paying attention back in 2017, at the end of the year when that tax bill passed, Trump went out and told the corporation, he said, look, this isn’t for dividends, this isn’t for profits, this isn’t for you guys, this is for the employees. He said, I wanna see wages go up, I wanna see more people hired, right? And when the president, especially a guy like Donald Trump, says that, you better snap too, right? If you abuse that, he’s gonna go back after you, right? So funny thing happened.

AT &T paid a $2 ,000 bonus to all of its employees that year. Wages started to rise the first time in like ever, the first time in my lifetime. We saw significant wage increases, rise in wages in real terms. And also we saw more people hired. We had achieved full employment by 2019. Basically, as we went into the first few months of 2020, we had this booming economy. Everything was great.

you know, and the left had to find some way to destroy it. You know, little Chinese tyranny. Who’s against a little Chinese tyranny in the name of Orange Man bad, right? So anyway, so Tim Ryan’s complaining about, but Joe Biden has re -industrialized America. How come workers don’t know that he cares about them? Well, it’s hard to relate to a guy like Joe Biden, but clearly he has not impressed upon workers the sense that he cares about them.

First of all, and second, Joe Biden did not re -industrialize America, right? As I’ve been talking about, and Peter Zients been talking about this for a while, as the rest of the world declines, China’s declining, Southeast Asia’s doing okay for a while, but they’re gonna go down. All of that manufacturing we moved offshore, all the stuff that we sent overseas is gonna have to come back to North America. And I say back to North America, because as Zients pointed out, this is gonna be a great time for Mexico. Talked about that before, I’m not gonna rehash it. The point is, that’s kinda happening naturally.

But remember the tax bill when I said it allowed companies like Apple and Boeing to repatriate significant amounts of money to the United States. Hmm, what did they do with that money? They built new plants. So, you know, you can look at that policy like, yes, that is the reindustrialization of the United States, the Chips Act, all the stuff that Biden’s been doing. All that does is just waste money, right?

They’re blowing money out there and causing inflation. And when you cause inflation, it lowers our purchasing power, which means that it doesn’t even matter now if wages are rising. There’s no way they can rise faster than inflation. Right? I mean, we’re losing money, right? Every year, year over year, I make a little bit more money than I made last year. And these last few years, every year, I have felt like I make less money. I buy less with more money. You feel it, I feel it. We both feel it when we go down to buy a gallon of milk. And Joe Biden has no idea what a gallon of milk costs, and he doesn’t care.

We just have to suck it up because he’s right and we’re wrong. Now, Donald Trump on the other hand will walk into a McDonald’s and buy everybody a milkshake. Kind of a nice guy. So it’s just, he’s able to get out there and explain to people that he cares. So here we have Tim Ryan and the Democrats who have alienated working class voters who have given us the impression that they don’t care. Every time they say climate change, our energy bills go up and people lose their jobs. So.

They’re doing all this stuff to us. And on top of that, and here’s the really funny part, we’re the problem with the world. White working class people are the, everything that’s wrong with the world is us, right? So they go out there with that attitude and then they wonder why we don’t vote for them. Whoa, what a surprise. And we’re not the only ones. As you look at the polls, black men are starting to figure this out too. They’re realizing that they’re being treated miserably and –

by the Democrats, they’re getting a bad deal and so slowly they’re moving in their voting demographics. Latinos are voting a very different ticket today, you know, split they’re changing. Demographics are shifting, okay. What’s really interesting is young voters. I’m gonna come back to that because I’m really trying to talk about the show but I wanted to get a couple of these other things in so I know it seems like I’m dancing around a little bit. Okay, so Tim Ryan and Mara are going back and forth enjoying their Trump hate fest and…

Uncle Sargon is really trying to, she’s not like attacking them or saying they’re stupid or whatever, she’s just trying to point out like, you know, you can’t hate half the country. Well, you can’t hate half the country, but Donald Trump’s bad. We who support Donald Trump, whether, you know, hardcore people or people like myself, I was more reluctant to support her at first and change my mind about that later. His judicial appointments alone were worth every time I voted for him. I’d vote for him again in a heartbeat just for that.

nothing else, his judicial appointments have been great. The Supreme Court is the one institution of our government right now that I can confidently say is approximately doing its constitutional duty. Congress is a joke and our current presidents like, you know, Joe Biden goes out and he’s talking before a conference full of Asians and he’s like, well, we don’t want to be xenophobic like, you know, the Japanese, the Indians, the Russians and wow, Joe, you’re talking to a –

of Asian people and you’re talking about how xenophobic Japan and India are. I’m glad I wasn’t his handler that day. Oh boy. Let’s take you in the back, Joe, and change your diaper. Unbelievable. And then, of course, the spokesman of the federal government comes back. Well, we don’t think that those people are necessarily xenophobic. The president didn’t mean that. So once again, the president says something that’s not policy. Someone else, the government, the White House, comes out to clarify. Well, if the president’s not in charge, who is? Right?

So in any case, she’s trying to break the, and finally, you can see visibly, you know, Ryan, Jim Ryan and Bill Maher getting upset, getting angry because their delusions are being violated. I mean, you know, they’re so caught up in the idea that they’re right and everyone else is wrong, right? And because everyone else is wrong and they’re right, then Orange Man is bad, right? And they don’t see that.

You know, when I look at that, I don’t think it’s Donald Trump they hate. I think they hate me. I think they hate my wife. I think they hate my seven children. I think they want to destroy our interests, right? They don’t want a strong America. They don’t want a strong future for my children. They don’t care what happens to us. They’ve got theirs and they’re good. And you know, what happens to us doesn’t really matter to them. And you know, Mars, not the worst of them, but a lot of these Wokeys, they can be some pretty scary people, the ideas they talk about, you know. They’re…

the 2020 election in 2020 they’re talking about, you know, we need to deprogram people, you know, reeducation camps, really people. Some of these people are pretty scary. In any case, she was making great points. I want to compliment, compliment Bacha Ungar Saga. She is awesome. She was, you know, she’s awake, she’s paying attention. Whether she likes it or not, she lives in the real world. And that’s really important thing. If you find,

that you’re debating people with ideas and you’re just getting upset. You may have a delusion. It happens to some of us and sometimes we live in them. When I was a younger child, having been through trauma and abuse, I lived in a delusion. When I was like five, I thought I was a superhero or pretended to be one some of the time because that gave me reason to exist when I wasn’t suffering terrible depression and anxiety as a child. But you know, you…

Sometimes these delusions seem to protect you from inconvenient or even hurtful realities. But the fact is, you should live in the real world. And Bill Maher and Brian, these guys need to live in the real world. Rejoin, get out of your fantasies, and look at the real world. Because Donald Trump’s about to be reelected, and they’re not prepared for that. They can’t handle that world, where we’re allowed to disagree with them.

and they can lose. That’s not fun for them. So, anyway, it’s just a really good example, I think, of the delusion at work, and you can see it. So, and she’s not being offensive, she’s very polite about it, trying to explain to them the reality. Anyway, some fun stuff there. Oy.

Right, before I end this segment, real quick, Rasmussen has this really good video out. You can find it on Rumble or YouTube, recently talking about shifting voter demographics and shifting thought. And they have picked up on changes in young voters. And I just want to take this for a minute. I mean, if you’re the left, this is terrifying. It seems that among Gen Z, among the very youngest voters, and in this case, they’re talking about 18 to 40,

among young voters, there’s a declining support for Biden. And he’s getting down to almost parity where, you know, people will vote for other candidates, Trump or RFK. In any case, he’s losing the youth vote. And it’s a trickle, but slowly but surely, the youth vote is moving away from Biden. And that’s interesting, because of course, you know, he’s trying to do student debt stuff and all this kind of thing. Like, you know, apparently he can’t even buy young votes.

Bill Maher picked up on this recently because he was freaking out a few episodes back about how among Gen Z there’s a significant number who think that Donald Trump would shake things up for the better. So that’s interesting. Now, what does that mean? Does that mean that the Zoomers are gonna save us from, no. Let’s not be too optimistic here, but let’s just say that Gen Z seems to be awakening from their slumber.

They went to public school, they had to put up with the indoctrination and all that kind of stuff, but they seem to be realizing, not all of that, because of course, those are the college campuses or whatever, all of that stuff is nonsense. But that’s a small sampling of that generation. A lot of them are not going to college.

A lot of Gen Z are choosing to go to trade schools and technical schools, vocational schools, rather than to college, right? They’re trending away from the university. And so yeah, they put up with indoctrination in public schools, and a lot of them, when asked, will give you very fairly left -wing social views. It’s what shuts you up, right? It’s what satisfies you. But their goals seem to be very different. They’re not so people -oriented. They wanna work in environments where they don’t have to deal with a lot of people.

And a lot of them see that they didn’t get a good family experience and they just want to have a normal family and a normal life. So that’s a shift that’s going on there. How far that goes is gonna be in question. But the truth is, if you’re the left, if you’re Biden, if you’re thinking about reelection and that kind of thing, that trend is very disturbing. That trend is very dangerous. They need the youth vote to come out in large numbers.

compensate for the fact that larger numbers of older people are going to vote right, right? So, it’ll be interesting to see how things go, my friends. Very interesting indeed.

All right, new segment in the show real quick here before the break. I’m going to call Lippmann’s logic. Talk a little bit about Walter Lippmann and his philosophy as a.

I want to say an advocate of liberal democracy in the early 20th century when it was truly under threat from some pretty awful ideologies and.

a true intellectual leader of the American classical liberal tradition. When I say classical liberal, I mean liberalism before it became wokeness, before the 60s, right? Where there was a tradition of American liberalism that was about a freer, more open, more democratic society, and conservatism was more focused on preserving the status quo at that time, right? So there were different ideologies.

Back then, since then, it’s like, you know, today, who’s a Republican? A Democrat from 12 years ago, right? So, you know, classical liberalism and classical conservatism have now combined in one side, you know, that’s mostly in the Republican Party now, and, you know, half the Democrats are often in Woky land. So, you know, whatever. Anyway, so Walter Lippmann wrote about what he called in his time, Jacobinism.

and he warned the future generations against this. It’s this idea that there’s some, that all the problems in our society relate to some bad group of people who are in power. And if we just got rid of that bad group of people, we’d all be better off, right? Now, it’s easy to tell yourself that that’s the case, okay? First of all, it absolves you of all responsibility for all the problems in the world.

Who doesn’t like that? Talk about a delusion I can embrace. And if you’re gonna get a delusion, my friends, get a good one, okay? It’s not me. I’m not anyway responsible for the problems in the world. It’s them. That group of people. The Jews, the globalists, the capitalists, whatever. Whatever group, whatever you wanna call them. You know, the…

the elf people, whatever you want to call them. There’s these lizard people that are ruling the world. I mean, so it’s all them. It’s all them, you see. And if we could just get rid of that group of people, if we just get those people out of our world, everything will just fall into place. Everything will be great. We’ll live in utopia. Unicorns will fly across the sky. Pink fluffy unicorns will dance on rainbows, and we will all be well, right? Oh, if only it worked that way, my friends, if only. God, what an idea. And I…

exaggerate it like that a little bit just to make the point. But the reality is we are all responsible for the world we live in. I’m not in any way like 99 % responsible for everything that’s going on in the world. Okay, but we all bear some responsibility. If there are problems in this country, it’s because a lot of us should have stood up and did something sooner. And there were those of us who were out there trying to warn people, right? We tried. Could we have done more? I don’t know.

But in any case, the world we live in today is the direct result of the actions of some 8 billion people, all collectively together, making this happen, and the people who went before us. And that all impacts the people who come after us. And so Walter Lippmann warns us against that type of thinking. Instead of thinking about, well, if we could just get rid of the globalists, if we could just get rid of the lizard people, think more in terms of what would a responsible policy look like?

who would be a responsible leader, right? And that’s not difficult to think. I mean, right now, we’re all kind of in armed camps, and we’ve got the guys in the blue uniforms behind Trump and the guys in the gray uniform behind Biden, and we’re ready to go out in the battlefield. It’s kind of, we kind of have this divided thing going on. Anyway, you kind of have to pick a side and go with it. But just because one side wins doesn’t mean all the problems go away.

Donald Trump winning is not going to end all the problems we have in the world. He will bring his unique approach to those problems and we’ll see how they work out. Okay? But when we look at the world and the problems around us, we can’t just blame it on some malignant cancer out there that if we just got rid of that, it’d be better. No. If the cancer in our universities were to go away, that would be a good thing.

but that’s not gonna solve all of our problems, okay? We have to think forward. We have to be a little more thoughtful than that and think. If we want the next generation to succeed and there’s a bright future out there for America, if we handle things right at this time, what do those policies look like? Like I’ve said, preventing a third world war, preserving liberty, preserving prosperity, moving ourselves forward into that bright future where America doesn’t have to police the world and we’ll be…

prosperous here in North America and doing just fine. Thank you. So let’s look forward to those kinds of things and remain optimistic and keep our moral fiber. You know what I mean? Eat our Wheaties, right? Because, you know, it’s easy to buy into the dilute to a delusion that satisfies your ego now in the short term, then to take responsibility for the reality that it’s a lot of hard work to make the world right.

do the right thing. Oh, it’s so easy to do the wrong thing. Doing the right thing is often so difficult, okay? Those require hard choices and some forethought, a little perspicacity. In any case, that’s the, that’s the Lippmann logic for today. You know, a man who, who lived his lifetime watching, you know, the horrors of fascism and communism throughout the world and defending liberal democracy would know that we should be careful of this particular problem. So.

With that, we’ll go to the break, and when I get back, I will talk about Israel.

Isaac Kight (00:01.038)
All right, so this is the Israel segment, but I’m gonna start off by talking about our college campuses here because this is the anti -Semitism on campus issue and that and the war in Gaza. So the campus issue in the West, Europe and the United States, and the war in Gaza are like the two main issues for the Jewish people right now. So, you know, this is a big Israel issue as well. Let me start off by making a point that one of my younger friends who,

has lost a lot of friends, or rather given up a lot of friends after watching them embrace this neo -Nazism out there. She was making the point that when you’re online, there are a lot of voices for young people, there are a lot of voices out there that make it sound like everyone thinks that way. And so I had to point out to her, well, there are polls that 77 % of Americans are solidly for Israel, 72 % support going into RAFA, so on and so forth. And she’s like,

How’s that possible? I mean, everybody. I’m like, well, so there are only 20 % of the population, approximately, who are not with the program altogether. And the hardcore of that hardcore, the people that are really out there advocating hate and violence and this kind of thing, are a smaller minority of that crowd. So this is a very, very loud minority. So not to exaggerate the problem, let’s put it in context. And when we talk about colleges and universities,

Typically, your engineering department, your business department, your med students, a lot of the sort of mainstream color that lead to good jobs, the professionals, in a lot of those departments, you see less wokeness, you see fewer tweets about social justice, fewer tweets about Israel, this kind of thing. It’s your humanities, your women’s studies, sociology, it’s those kinds of liberal arts.

let’s just say is where a lot of these crazies come from. Now let’s divide that up a little bit. We’re seeing a group of organizers. Now, you know, how is it that when these kids go on campus to occupy, you know, a part of the grounds that all of a sudden there are tents and water bottles and all of these things just show up. Where did that come from? These college students went out and bought tents? No, there are organizations paying for this.

Isaac Kight (02:28.206)
millions and millions of dollars are flowing. George Soros and Goldman Sachs just gave $12 million to an organization that’s promoting this campus protests. All kinds of things, you know, there’s these…

Anyway, money is flowing to help these out. So the organizers are a handful of people who know exactly what they’re doing. They’re rabble -rousers, right? They’re trained Marxists, they’re trained disruptors, that’s their job, okay? You’ve got a group of students on campus, many of whom are from the Middle East or of Middle Eastern descent, some of whom are just really hardcore indoctrinated Marxists, some of whom are…

in it for whatever reason, but they’re really into it. And so in addition to the organizers, there’s this minority of very hardcore, very passionate anti -Semites who are in it. There’s also a lot of other students that are just there for social interaction. You see some of the interviews like, why are you protesting? Oh, I have no idea. I’m not the one that has you talk to this person. You should talk to one of the organizers. I’m not the right person. They have no idea.

If you actually start asking them questions, you know, they’re chanting from the river to the sea. Which river and what sea? I don’t know. I just want Palestine to be free. You know, who’s oppressing them? The Israelis are. You know, would it surprise you to know that they’ve been governing themselves for decades? What? That can’t be true. They didn’t know what they said. Well, you know, you can tell I’ve had this conversation more than once. The point is, what’s really despicable about…

is that a lot of these young kids are not very bright. They just want to make friends and hang out and have fun, right? For years, you know, year, year and a half of their life, they were cloistered, locked in their rooms, and forced to interact online. And so now they just want to go out and party with their friends. So for a lot of them, this is the equivalent of a kegger or, you know, a frat party, okay? But they just go out and hang out with their friends instead of doing their schoolwork and, you know, the responsible things that they’re supposed to be doing.

Isaac Kight (04:38.702)
But hey, I mean, you know, when you’re from the upper middle class and your parents have got money to burn so that you can go to an Ivy League school, you know, it’s all good. I’m still really fond of something Jordan Peterson always talked about when he was teaching up in Canada. He’d have the immigrant students, the students whose parents were immigrants, and he would say, ask them, would you explain to everyone in the class the sacrifices your parents made so you could be here at this school?

And the stories that some of these students would tell, whose parents were from Africa or from India or from East Asia, the immigration demographics in Canada are a little different because they’re part of the Commonwealth. And so they enjoy a greater diversity of immigration, even though we do here in the US. And it’s not a bad thing for Canada. In moderation, all things in moderation, right? In any case, they would tell the stories of their parents working long nights and…

doing that extra laundry, load of laundry, or keeping the restaurant open late. The hard work they would put in, socking away a little cash here and there, just so that their child can have an opportunity. And the rich kids, the privileged, would just sit there in awe, like, oh my God, wow. So I’m just sitting here thinking about all of those parents who sacrificed so hard to get their kids into those schools, to have these brats go out there.

And now there are a lot of companies out there saying they won’t hire these people. Some of them, these kids now have criminal records. If it were up to me, they’d all be, all of them at every university, everyone who’s out there protesting and doing these things would be expelled and their names put on a public list so that other universities could exclude them. It would impact their work, their ability to work in the future. I have kind of a zero tolerance policy for Nazism.

And why do I call it Nazism? Somebody was asking me, you know, well, why do you have to call it Nazism? Okay. I’d like to take dangerous ideologies for $2000, Alex. The answer, ding, an ideology that advocates the annihilation of Jews everywhere on the planet. Ding, ding, ding: Isaac. What is Nazism?

I’m sorry to tell you people, if you are advocating for another Holocaust, what ideology is that associated with? I don’t know any other one to advocate for. These are people who are advocating for the silencing of free speech, for violence against Jews everywhere, and for the mass murder of at least six or seven million Jews in the Middle East. What other ideology would you call that? So I’m calling a spade a spade. I don’t know what else to call it, right? What else would you call it? There’s no other proper name for it. So.

Anyway, they’re ruining these young kids’ lives. And it’s too bad the kids don’t know better, but to play into this. But, you know, they need to get a life. They really need to get a life. And if the universities would, you know, the police are cracking down on a couple of these frat boys are cleaning up the mess since we’ve got these great memes out there, frat boys versus, you know, terrorists. It’s great. But…

You know, so it’s not all the college students and even those who are protesting are not all bad, but it is cancerous because, you know, we have a Jewish student knocked unconscious, right? We’ve had, they’re advocating for violence. They’re keeping Jews from coming on campus. I mean, I say this on X all the time. Is it 1938 or 2024? The headlines that I see, the things that I see happening, it’s difficult for me knowing the history.

to understand the difference. Okay, so we’ve replaced the red banner, the red armband with the swastika on it with a keffiyeh. Same thing, which is unfortunate too, because I really like keffiyehs. The sudra, the Arab head covering, is a really good idea when you live in the Middle East. It’s very sunny and very hot. It’s good to cover your head and keep the sun off of it. There are, because there were Jews living in Arabia.

Fancy that, you know, half the Jews are from the Middle East. What a surprise. I had no idea. There are actually Jewish sudras. There are Jewish kafias. You can go online and find an Israeli kafia. There’s an IDF version that’s orange. There are often blue and white. They’re often blue and white. I had one for a while, unfortunately, eventually got old and tattered and so I got rid of it. I need to get more. But you know, it’s a beautiful garment. It’s fine. It’s like your, you know, all in one scarf, head scarf.

you know, headdress to keep the sun off your skin and all that kind of stuff. It should not be, as a symbol of Arab culture, it should not be immediately associated with terrorism. Okay, there’s an Egyptian kafia, there’s a Saudi kafia, there are different types of styles and patterns that are worn in different parts of the Middle East. And the black and white one with the particular pattern they have is associated with Yasser Arafat. And so Arafat chose that pattern.

just like he made up the rest of the Palestinian identity, he chose that pattern to be their kithya. And so now I just, it’s a frustrating thing, but now, you know, that’s their symbol, you know, so it’s not the Shvastika anymore, it’s that. And, you know, so blessing and a curse. The blessing is it’s out there. We’re seeing it now. We can actually all see the horrors of what’s going on in our college campuses. And this is something people are trying to point out. I haven’t been on a college campus.

in the US in 20 years, right, since I finished my education in Israel. It’s not the same as it was when we went to school, those who are my age. Certainly if you’re older than I am, it’s nothing like, some of my young friends have been to college or attending college right now. And you have to watch what you say, you can’t dare to challenge the orthodoxy. Young man, I know who’s going to college.

He’s from a working class background. A lot of the ladies there won’t even talk to him. Won’t give him the time of day. Speaking of, you know, privilege and classism. So, you know, there’s a lot of that. And you have to play along with all that stuff or you won’t get far in college. So the blessing is we can all see this for what it is. Okay. The curse, unfortunately, is that it’s there and it makes a lot of noise. It makes it sound powerful, even though it’s this tiny little minority of fruitcakes. So.

We need to clear out these protests. These students all need to be expelled. All of them, their names listed publicly, right? This is the kind of thing that should haunt you forever, right? And by doing so and firing all of the staff, and I don’t care if it’s your entire DEI department, every one of the faculty who’s involved with this needs to be fired, gone. I mean, like, you know, what would happen to a member of a staff who made a racist remark about African Americans or Native Americans, right?

they’d be thrown off campus, right? They’d be dropped, kicked so fast, but you know, it’s okay to hate Jews. Wow. All right. So we really can clean up our campuses. On the positive note, as I was talking about Gen Z earlier, a lot of Gen Z is going to trade schools and avoiding college. I’ve been talking about with my children, of course, my oldest is 15. They’re looking at careers that don’t involve going to college. You can make a lot more money in any career.

than going to college. And with a lot of the traditional college careers, like say airline pilot or various programming or computer engineering jobs, most of that stuff you can learn online now. And I’ve been talking to a lot of people in the business and they’re saying going to college actually ruins you. They’d rather hire somebody who learned their skills online from the right schools and got their certificates in various programming languages or what have you, rather than people went to college and learned all the wrong things. So.

I mean, I just don’t see the value of university education. Now, where are we gonna get our doctors, lawyers, and professionals from? We still need a certain percentage of the population, hopefully our best and brightest, of all races, religions, and types, colors, and what have you, a diverse lot, hopefully, but we still need.

the cream of the crop to go to college so that we can have the competent professionals that we need, right? Medicine isn’t really a job you can go into without going to college. You have to go to med school, right? You know, theoretically, I guess you could teach yourself a lot about law and go take the bar, but you know, law really requires going to law school, right? So we need those professionals. We need our colleges and our universities to knuckle down on that. And…

I’ve deliberately left out engineering and science degrees for a reason, because that is so essential. I mean, and that’s not where this is coming from, but at the same time, MIT is having a big problem. I worry. I mean, we need scientists. All right, we need engineers. We need people to develop the next thing in technology. We need these people not to be woke, these people not to be running around saying, slaughter the Jews. We need these people to be learning the things we need in order to advance our society. So.

end of rant there and I’ll move on to talking about the situation in Israel, but it’s like, it’s frustrating. So just wanted to clarify, I mean, they’re not all completely evil. A lot of them are being misled, but at the same time, I mean, the violence, the destruction that we’ve seen, there’s just so much craziness out there. Oh my God. We need to clean up our campuses desperately.

Alright, so on to Rafah.

All right, so on to Rafah. We have been hearing for days now of the Biden administration working with Egypt to talk to Hamas of Israel and Hamas negotiating all kinds of attempts to come up with some kind of agreement for a ceasefire, a temporary one that would allow for an exchange of hostages and trying to improve the situation in Gaza. Hamas keeps rejecting all of these. First of all, they say they can’t find 40 hostages alive, which is…

which is terrifying. And…

horrible to say that the number of hostages continues to decline one at a time, but not for the right reasons. We continue to find, like we as the Israeli workers continue to find remains of people that they thought were taken hostage, but who were dead. Some, they found two people buried where they thought one person had been buried and therefore that turned out to be one fewer hostage.

In another case, we found the body in Gaza of one of the hostages who’d been taken. So we knew that there were these two girls. We knew that their mother had been killed. Now we know that their father had been killed. So those kids are orphans. And that’s…

That’s not a fun thing. So, anyway. So we need to, so Israel has been working on negotiating with Hamas and trying to get hostages back and by time, but that really hasn’t been going. So chances are pretty soon here this RAFA operation will begin and personally I’m looking forward to the end of it. I want to be on the other side of it. This really needs to be over by the end of May.

That way the Israel can reposition its forces, lick its wounds and start working on the next thing in Gaza, which there needs to be. I mean, Ryan Macbeth is out there talking a lot about the idea of like a sons of Palestine, like the sons of Iraq. I think that’s a very good path that he’s on there. I call it the Tahrir Force. There is a concept of uprightness in Arab culture.

an idea that a man should behave honestly and fairly and be upright. And it’s an idea that’s kind of fallen, fallen afoul of the current situation. So many of the leaders are deeply corrupt and nepotistic and kleptomaniac, you know, like these kleptocracies, they’re just stealing everything from the people. That idea has been kind of shoved aside because, you know, it’s not convenient for me as a leader to want to be upright, you know.

No time for that, right? It’d be nice if someone could bring that back and help train some police officers and paramilitary forces there in Gaza to be upright, to be better people, to deal fairly in their communities and not support terrorism, not support murdering other people, but to maintain and police their communities.

honestly, right, and with decency, right, not be brutal. Well, that’s something that we’re going to have to see. I mean, I have not heard any good news on any kind of post -war planning for Gaza, and I don’t trust the international community. The Israeli government is gonna have to kick off whatever happens there. So we will see what happens, but something needs to change anyway.

Isaac Kight (03:45.07)
So Israeli forces ultimately gonna have to move into Ra ‘atha. There are a lot of refugees in the area and some have been able to leave, but obviously the north of Gaza is still a war zone to a large extent. And there is, you know, so people really can’t return there and nobody else wants them. You know, the Egyptians have built, you know, four, what is it, four layers now thick of walls and fencing and, and,

barbed wire and more fencing and more barbed wire and they don’t want anyone coming to their country. So when Joe Biden talks about bringing in refugees from Gaza, it’s like, no, no, no, no, no, we don’t want these people. There were a group of Palestinians were taken in by Denmark, I think it was, and someone was talking about the study that like 50 % of them had committed a serious crime within two years.

and they just went on with these really terrible statistics. Not a good thing, right? They need to, you know, they need to stay there and they need to get their act together and become something other than terrorists. So there’s the opportunity for that. There is a means to that end, right? There should be a Gaza rebuilt. I know there are a lot of people like, oh, well, you know, they commit October 7th and then they get rebuilt. And so there’s no permanent consequences. Well, there are permanent.

consequences here, right? Hamas has to be destroyed. And if we have to find a way to create what succeeds that, right? You know, what replaces them. And that should be something that is better than this. And then, you know, it’ll be the cities can be rebuilt. And, you know, instead of digging up water pipes to make rockets, people can have fresh water and plumbing and we can, you know, maybe there could be some jobs and some opportunities and people there could have an opportunity to prosper.

and move on, do something else with it. Stop being racists and people who support terrorism. In any case, not being ruled by Hamas would be a good thing. So there’s that. Getting that done so Israel can finish up there and wheel its forces around to the north will deter Hezbollah from making too much trouble and it may be necessary to go in and deal with them now too. And if that’s the case, that’s gonna be kind of a summer thing.

Theoretically, Israel could do both at the same time, but it’d be better to wrap up in Gaza first, right? And there’s, you know, so real quick on the political situation, actually, I talked about last time a little bit, you know, everything that’s gonna happen next year and up to the next election, you know, all of this stuff in the conflict, that’s what’s going to weigh in on what happens next in Israel.

in terms of domestic politics, right? The far right has profited quite a bit from the conflict in terms of the increasing popularity of people like Itamar Ben -Ghavir of the Otzma Yehudit, the strong, you know, this Jewish strength party. And we’ve seen Benigant’s, General Benigant’s profit thus far from the sense that he is more popular for his management of the war. Bibi hasn’t prospered very well.

There’s a lot of talk about how slow the response was to October 7th. There’s a lot of blame being laid at BB’s feet. He needs to have a positive legacy. He really needs some big wins here and needs to be able to show that he’s accomplished something, right? Otherwise, he’s just on his way out. But again, all of that depends on what happens next. What happens in Gaza here and what happens in…

potentially in Lebanon. Now, if nothing happens, if things do tend to quiet down, we’ll see. Hezbollah’s knocked out, that could be different. What I would like to see personally is a situation where Hezbollah is either itself destroyed or otherwise tame, let’s say knocked down to size. And other Iranian proxies in Syria and Iraq are already, Israel’s already putting its thumb on them.

and the Houthis have attracted a lot of international ire in Yemen. So, if we can get all of Iran’s proxies pinned down and under thumb, then Iran has to behave itself to a certain degree. And if they don’t, we can always return the favor to them. They have a return address, right? So, like I said, it’s…

your shadow president if it had been me, Iran wouldn’t have a navy anymore. I thought that would have been a more appropriate response and I don’t know. In any case, that’s why I’m your shadow president, right? Okay. So what happens next? That’s a very good question. So we’ll have to see when this RAFA operation begins. Hopefully it’ll be starting this coming week and ending before the end of the month. And that will be the final destruction of…

well, the semi -final destruction of Hamas, Hamas what was, you know, the Hamas of the past, they will rebuild, right? This chimera has shown an incredible ability to grow new heads. And if not Hamas, Islamic Jihad or something else. So, that’s the part where they prevent that from coming back. So, with that, I will go on to the next segment and talk about how to prevent World War III.

My friends, it is a self -evident reality that weakness begets war and strength begets peace, right? Being prepared for conflict prevents conflict to a certain degree. And, you know, showing weakness, being vulnerable, letting the bad guys get away with things, okay? That’s how you get war, all right? It goes back to Edmund Burke’s, you know,

Axiom if you will that the only thing necessary for evil men to prevail is for good men to do nothing Right if we fail to oppose evil, evil wins, right? It requires us to stand up and this is perpetually the problem with the world now When we when we talk about the world wars the first world war was this domino that just kicked off a whole bunch of stuff at once partly the alliances the stupidity of leaders the

Austrians really headed in for the Serbs and wouldn’t just let it go and then the Russians had to defend the Serbs and then if Germany was getting involved in this well they’re taking out France first before they take out you know Russia and then the Brits are looking at it like you know technically they’re enforcing Belgian neutrality the Germans are marching into Belgium but if they don’t stop the Germans here the British could face a Germany that’s not you know over in the North Sea but rather you know right across the channel in La Havre, or

in Cherbourg. So, you know, the British basically entered that war in order to prevent what happened in 1940 from happening in 1914, right? In any case, that isn’t, you know, that’s a rarity of history. It is unique to that particular situation. And yes, the Cold War kind of was similar just because of the technology and the speed at which warfare could have been conducted, you know, in a matter of hours, right?

So that, but again, fairly unique circumstances. When we look at, you know, even that situation in 1914, there were a lot of conflicts that preceded it that people don’t normally associate with, you know, the first Balkan war, the second Balkan war, right? Basically, World War I began with the third Balkan war. There was the Italo -Turkic war, right? There were a number of different conflicts that took place in which,

the future combatants of the First World War were engaged in fighting within just a few years of the actual conflict. So no, these wars don’t just happen in a vacuum. They don’t just start. There are signs. And people in the First World just didn’t pay any attention to it. And somewhere between Russia wanting to…

act like they’re a world power or something. And they should have known better after 1906 with the war with Japan. But anyway, Russia wanting to throw their weight around and the Germans still wanting to dominate Europe militarily, that ended up being there. The Second World War, however, and I’ve talked about this a little before, right? It didn’t just start.

on December 7th, 1941. It did for us, officially, like we joined the war, and that is the point at which it became a world war, right? That’s the point at which the two wars became connected, right? But there were already two wars going on on opposite sides of the world. And what wars am I referring to? What the heck are you talking about? So.

Let’s talk about how World War II got started. And it got started to several different conflicts that all amalgamated into one on December 7th, 1941, right? And there are roots that go way back. Japan tried to take over China in 1915 while the Europeans were busy with World War I. And it didn’t work out well for Japan. And Japan and China were very much at odds at that point. You could…

argued that the conflicts, you know, Japan took Manchukuo in 1929, had to give back, then Manchuria, right? And then the state of Manchukuo was formed and the Japanese got control of that. In any case, the Japanese army was out of control. They wanted to take over China. And when the Marco Polo Bridge incident happened in May 1937, that was their excuse. They moved a million troops into China. And Prime Minister Kanoy was, you know, what could he do? Like he was deeply frustrated with this.

The civilian government couldn’t stop them. The civilian government was told after the fact the orders already be given a million troops were moving to China to go to war. Pretty soon they took Shanghai. The next thing you know you have the rape of Nanjing. This is you know the horrors that the Japanese inflicted upon the Chinese people are unspeakable absolutely horrible. So you have this war going on there between Japan and China and Japan had the upper hand from the start. China was weak and divided and

Plumming Dong under General Chiang Kai -shek did the best they could to fight and resist. The communists under Mao Zedong basically did nothing up in Yanan. They just kinda hid out and there’s all this talk about all the guerrilla warfare that they did. There’s not really any evidence that they lifted a finger against Japan. The Japanese got such an upper hand by 1939 that the Soviets intervened. Stalin attacked Japan twice in Manchukuo.

usually just a cross border raid basically, just enough to scare the Japanese and they’d move a bunch of their forces up north and that would slow down their progress. His goal was to keep Japan busy. Stalin wanted to keep Japan busy down there. Not important here. The point is, you have that war going on, okay? Then, over in Europe, we have this other thing, the guy with the Charlie Chaplin mustache, right, out there talking about German supremacy and this kind of thing. And, you know.

The big thing that really made his career, the audacity, was remilitarizing the Rhineland in 1936. He sent his troops out there. They had orders that if they encountered so much as a single French soldier, they were to retreat. If the French had sent one division into the Rhineland, Germany would have had to pull back, and that probably would have led to Hitler’s fall a few years later for a more traditional military dictatorship in Germany. On less ideological lines.

But because the Allies did nothing, he started to look stronger. And all of the sudden, you see that even Mussolini was kind of toning it down a little. Mussolini was not a friend of Hitler at first, not a fan, right? He saw himself as an ally of Britain and France. Italy had been on their side during the First World War, right? That started to convince him that actually, in fact, maybe the Allies were weak and this Hitler guy was what was going on.

Isaac Kight (07:27.63)
And so by 1938, when Hitler marched into Austria, into Österreich, what happened? Mussolini didn’t do anything. He had prevented Germany from intervening in Austria before, and now he let them have Austria. Why? Because the Allies weren’t gonna do anything. He wouldn’t have any support if he tried to oppose the Germans, right? And at that point it’s like, well, it looks like Hitler’s winning all these battles, might as well be his ally.

In any case, the issue at Munich, the Sudetenland, I’ve talked about a lot of this before, but to a large extent, Neville Chamberlain was trying to buy time for Britain to rearm. He knew that the British Army had basically atrophied after the First World War and that they needed time to rebuild that army. They’re kind of in the same spot today, aren’t they? That the British Army just isn’t quite ready to defend Britain.

Anyway, so they need time, right? So they do today, they did then. So Chamberlain was trying to buy time. And he was like, okay, well, we’ll give the Sudetenland to Germany if they promise not to, and Hitler had all those excuses, oh, they’re ethnic Germans. So give away the most defensible land in Czechoslovakia, a country that had the seventh largest army in the world at the time, and.

you know, basically hand that country to Hitler. Well, he got the Sudetenland, he took the rest of Czechia, Slovakia was left as a kind of rump state, and now, you know, anyway, here and there. So of course he invaded Poland and that led to the war in Europe. So now, 1939, invades Poland with his ally Stalin, right? So, you know, you have this, the Molotov -Ribbentrop Compact, they came to an agreement, they split Poland, Stalin could take the Baltic states.

and then he invaded Finland, which turned out to be a bad idea. Anyway, believe it or not, Churchill was actually considering bombing the oil fields in Baku, in what is now Azerbaijan, in order to prevent Stalin from invading Finland, in order to prevent the war in Finland from being successful, to hinder Stalin’s efforts there. Anyway, so we’re looking at a world now. It’s like there’s this war in Europe between Britain and France, Britain and France on one side and Germany and Italy on the other.

Stalin is ostensibly an ally and friend of Hitler’s. And then on the other side of the world, Japan has this war with China. How did all of that become a world conflict? And that all came together on December 7th, 1942, 1941, December 7th, 1941, when the Japanese attacked. They didn’t just attack the US, they attacked Britain. So now the Japanese were at war with the combatants who were also at war with Germany.

And so now it became World War II. Why did I make that point? The point is that each one of these steps on both sides of the world, there were opportunities to prevent the conflict, right? In 1937, if upon Japan’s invasion of China, the United States had cut off all oil to China, especially in response to Nanjing.

The US could have put sanctions on Japan in response to the rape of Nanjing, right? And the horrors that were committed there, right? So, you know, if we cut off Japan’s oil supply and they had a year left of oil in 1937, they might’ve had to rethink their war, but the US was busy with other things. In 1938, when the Anschluss happened, you know, the US could have told Germany to GTFO, get out of Austria, you know?

And Hitler could say, well, no, mine, it’s mine. I’m keeping it. Okay, fine. So then Roosevelt opens negotiations with the French on placing US forces in France, right? Now no Americans supported this. It wasn’t much very popular at the time, but he could have made the point and made the argument to people that the present, you know, the negotiations, the talk of US troops being in France is all it would take to win, you know, to prevent the war. And that basically would have done it.

And if Hitler could have been forced out of Austria, he would not have been able to make the argument to get the Sudetenland. And again, his regime was built on plunder. If he didn’t have that ability to conquer other territories, he wouldn’t have survived politically. These were just, there were just several opportunities where the war could have been prevented by people standing up, by the good guys saying no.

No, if you invade Czechoslovakia, we are not going to help you take Czechoslovakia, the most defensible part. If you invade, we’re going to send arms to Czechoslovakia and help them fight you. Right? So, you know, we’ll never know. But the lessons from that are that, and this is back to what I was saying earlier, weakness begets war. Strength begets peace. Right?

Now, I was thinking to myself, just thinking aloud, talking about 1937, right? Japan invades China, and I think to myself, 1938, after the Nanjing massacre and all that stuff happened, what would the US do to show Japan that we’re tough, right? And I thought, well, passing the Tuoshan Navy Act in 1938 would have changed things, certainly, right? Doubling the size of the US fleet. Well, how about…

a 25 % increase, let’s say. Well, would it surprise you to know that in 1938, we had the Second Vincent Act. The United States Navy did actually expand by 20%, right? They grew the US Navy considerably in that act. And again, the ships of the Vincent Act were the ones that were coming into service in 1941, just in time for the war. If we hadn’t had that act, we’d have had a heck of a time fighting the early battles of the Second World War. So just…

building up the US military isn’t enough. It wasn’t enough to, or wouldn’t have been enough, it certainly wasn’t enough for the Japanese. Today it would not be enough just to deter our enemies. So we could throw another 100 billion in our military and say, hey, we have the best fighters and this whatever. If our enemies don’t think we have the will to use it, then they’re not going to be deterred. And that’s where the trouble begins. So the…

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is one of the countries in the Axis alliance, China, Russia, Iran, North Korea is sort of hanging out there, they’re sort of the pimple on China at this point. They’re not really in any condition to do anything serious, but I mean they could create a distraction in Korea for a while, try to keep South Korea and Japan busy, right? So I mean they’re part of this. Just starting to agree, anyway.

that Axis alliance wants to see US power weaken. So if they could take apart one of our, ostensibly one of our allies, one of our friends in Ukraine, and if Iran can harass Israel at will and get away with it, which so far they seem to be able to do. I mean, there haven’t been many terrible consequences for Iran so far, right? We’ve kind of tough on Iran. We really need to get tougher. In any case, if they can knock around our allies,

then maybe China could take Taiwan and they can harass Vietnam and they can harass the Philippines and they can try to take the South China Sea, the nine dash line or whatever down there. So.

You know, in the strategic calculation there, it’s all a question of our will. Do we have the will to stop these things? Thankfully, the US has held the line in Ukraine. Now, who started arming Ukraine? Right? 2018, Ukraine held a presidential election. This guy, Vlodomor Zelensky, won, right? And we get all these people, oh, you know, Zelensky’s so shifty, he’s, you know, he’s so…

He’s untrustworthy, he’s sleazy, he’s corrupt, you know. Well, of course he is, he’s a Jew, right? And Jews are sniveling, conniving trolls with holons on their heads of blood matzah and of secret space lasers. So, you know, yeah, Jews are shifty and conniving and… Anyway, he’s also leading a neo -Nazi state, which, you know…

A Neo -Nazi state… with the Jewish president!

that’s amazing. Anyway, Donald Trump began arming Ukraine once Zelensky came to power and those arms that he sent, the air defenses in particular, you know, javelin missiles, things like that, that prevented the Russians from taking Ukraine and that created the current conflict where Ukraine is holding the line. So at the very least, Ukraine is fighting our war, keeping our enemy at bay, keeping our enemy out of Europe, right?

How can we justify surrendering Europe to Russia now? I mean, is that the way that we honor the 300 ,000 Americans who died to conquer Europe twice in order to create the peaceful, prosperous world that we have today? Because it sounds a lot more like pissing on their graves, as I’ve talked about before. That is not how we honor them. We honor them by standing firm, by supporting liberty, justice,

freedom for Europe, including Ukraine. And we hold the line over there. Okay? That’s how we honor our veterans. We’re not going to conquer Europe again in my lifetime in order to do what we rightly won in my grandfather’s lifetime. Right? They made the sacrifices back then that we wouldn’t have to make them again. So let’s not be stupid and get ourselves into a situation where we’re going to have to have real war. Because if Putin gets Ukraine, he will take Romania.

He will take the Baltic States, he will move on to Poland. He has no choice. In his mind’s eye, the only places that you can defend Russia are in Poland and Romania. And there’s everything in between, you know, and preferably Berlin. Everything in between is an obstacle to him, right? You know, just like, you know, we look at the two oceans, right?

We have these two oceans on either side of America. Those are critical to our defense. So if there were a foreign power out there with a large Navy that could operate right off the Pacific coast or right off the Atlantic coast, or God forbid there were two powerful Navies that could operate off both, we wouldn’t tolerate that, right? The Russians are feeling very vulnerable with their demographic problems. So that’s what they’re doing. The Iranians are attacking Israel. The regime came to power to annihilate Israel.

Death to Israel has been their chant all along. Death to Israel, death to America. That’s what they’ve wanted right from the beginning to weaken our power, to show us to be impotent. And now they have the opportunity to do that. Together with Russia and China, they stand a chance of actually achieving something.

So our fortitude in defending Israel and the fortitude we’ve shown such as we have in supporting Ukraine, we still haven’t done enough. Ukrainians need to step up, right? Emmanuel Macron in France is saying, President of France is saying that if the lines break in Ukraine, that France might have to come, European troops might have to come to the rescue. They might form a line behind the lines and this kind of thing. There’s been a lot of talk and Ryan Macbeth is really better.

talking about that kind of stuff, Peter Zion, they talk about a lot of those things. Geopolitically speaking, as I’ve talked, you know, France does have an expeditionary military. If they want to intervene, they can, right? Hell, just providing air cover. But direct confrontation is not really what we’re looking for here. What we need is for Ukraine to have the resources to defeat Russia. And once Russia is defeated, they are no longer a threat to us. Certainly not a serious threat, right?

I still have to talk about the nuclear issue, but I mean, basically, their military is atrophying, their nuclear weapons are atrophying. Russia’s ability to pose a serious threat to us is slowly diminishing, right? Especially once their conventional capabilities have been ground down. Meanwhile, China’s eyeballing Taiwan. It’s going out and ramming Chinese ships or ramming…

you know, Filipino fishing boats, they’re trying to control the South China Sea, right? And they’re really harassing them because the Philippines, of course, have become once again a close US ally, offering us the use of bases in the Philippines, which they haven’t for some time, so that we can fight China if necessary, right? So the Chinese are looking at that calculus and they’re thinking to themselves, well, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore,

Indonesia, the Philippines, Taiwan, none of those countries has a military that could really stand up to China. China doesn’t really have the expeditionary military to do anything directly to them. I mean, they could invade Northern Vietnam maybe, but that didn’t go well for them last time. And, you know, back in 79, they’re probably not going to try it again. But, you know, they don’t necessarily want to invade these countries, they just want to dominate them. Taiwan accepted. They want to invade Taiwan and get that back in their…

in their view, even though, you know, the island of Formosa was appended to China for the whole of four years in the 20th century, right? Otherwise it belonged to Japan before and has been the country of Taiwan since. You might as well just recognize and acknowledge the fact that Taiwan is an independent country. Anyway, end of that rant. So the Chinese are looking at that. Hey, you know, North Korea could distract South Korea. And basically if China attacks Taiwan at the same time, so North Korea attacks South Korea.

China goes to invade Taiwan. Japan and South Korea are basically gonna have to work together to fight off North Korea. Some US forces would be there, but then the US would have to focus on defending Taiwan, right? And I’ve talked about the war gaming. All the war games show that we get hurt pretty bad. We end up winning, ultimately, in the long run, after about six weeks of conflict. But the US, in all those war games, the US was losing two aircraft carriers and…

I mean, it’s messy, a lot of aircraft, a lot of munitions, a lot.

of good people, okay? A lot of red -blooded Americans of all colors and shapes and sizes, right? Not a good thing for us. So we don’t want that conflict. And the way to prevent that conflict is by showing strength, right? Not just by increasing our military, but actually showing strength by saying, no, we will not tolerate this, right? And, you know, to the extent that we have, we’ve kind of shown that in Ukraine.

Now, it also depends on the presidential election. Donald Trump is not a politician. He’s not someone that you can predict. Joe Biden’s pretty predictable. So one of the reasons we had mean tweets and world peace as the mean comically jokes is that, you know, Putin, Xi, they don’t know what Trump’s gonna do. He’s not predictable. He’s too dangerous. Attacking another country, starting a war, would be too dangerous while he’s in office because you just don’t know what he’s gonna do.

Joe Biden’s a politician. Yeah, you know what Joe Biden’s gonna do. You know what Rishi Sunak’s gonna do. You know what Emmanuel Macron’s gonna do. Emmanuel Macron is gonna talk and talk and talk. There’s a very low likelihood that he’ll actually do anything. Right? Olaf Scholz in Germany has been very, very like, you know, hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, Macron, let’s, what I meant to say here, let’s tone this down. Let’s not, you know, let’s not be hasty talking about, you know, taking on Russia directly, please. No, no, no, we don’t mean it. We don’t mean it.

right, trying to walk all that back because Germany doesn’t want another war and I understand why. The last time Germany had a war with Russia, it didn’t go so well. But Germany’s in no condition to fight one.

In any case, you look at that situation and that calculus and that election here, this coming election here, will change that all, right? There were certainly no one’s going to start a new conflict if Donald Trump is elected because he’s unpredictable. The Iranians will sit back, they’ll have to chill out. They can do some things to their proxies, but they know that if they go too far, you know,

Trump was willing to whack Soleimani, Soleimani, right? He’ll strike back, you know? And likewise, Putin would know that he’s in trouble. Trump says he can end that war quickly. Maybe he can, you know? I mean, honestly, look, you know, if he gets into office day one, calls up Vladimir Putin and says, you know, you’ve got 30 days to get out of all Ukrainian territory, including Crimea. And Putin says, well, what are you going to do about it?

All right, well, you know, in 30 days, Ukraine has US air support. You know, we’re going to provide close air support for the Ukrainian military. But you can do that, huh? I’m Donald Trump, I’m the president of the United States, and I say it’s gonna happen. Trump could do that, right? He could also push for negotiations. I’m not sure that’s his speed. He seems to understand the strategic situation. Giving Crimea to Russia puts Russia 200 kilometers closer to our allies than NATO.

things are also very much going against Russia. It looks like protests in Tbilisi and Georgia is maybe headed in a direction that’s anti -Russian, moving away from Russia. Armenia is moving away from Russian influence. Azerbaijan is already kind of outside the Russian sphere. They’re definitely away from Russian influence. And while countries like Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, they’re still helping Russia evade sanctions. They’re buying consumer goods and then…

stripping them with their electronics and selling the electronics to Russia so Russia can build military weapons with them. But, you know, they’re not going to go back a loser either, right? Kazakhstan has done some things that, you know, that are edgy, right? That meeting with Vladimir Putin and the meeting was held in Kazakh. You know, speeches were given in the vernacular. Typically, those are always done in Russian out of deference.

let’s just say. So, show it a little back on there. That’s not exactly telling Putin to get out, but at the same time, it’s not exactly an endorsement. Not exactly tacit support. So things are changing in the world. Strength. Show strength. Be resolved. Stand firm. That’s all we have to do. If we can do that, if we can help our allies to victory, Israel can finish off Gaza.

Maybe they have to deal with the stuff in Lebanon, just stand firm, just keep supporting, right? Hold the line in Ukraine, right? Then Russia can’t take the chance. They’ve only got one shot. One shot, and that’s it. If they’re gonna have a chance to take Taiwan, it’s gonna be that one shot. If they blow it, they know they won’t be able to.

So we’ll have to see. We have to make that one shot incredibly painful, right? And make it look so bad, you know, that you don’t want any part of it. So anyway, that’s how we do it. All right. Well, it’s one of the other great episode. You know, good chance to talk with you guys. I guess I’ll try to stay positive. And so.

to take that positive note, if we stand firm, we don’t even have to go to war, the world will be a better place. Imagine a world, just for a moment, you know, imagine, imagine a world where Putin and Xi are impotent or out of power, right? Where Russia and China aren’t a threat, where the Iranians are contained by our allies, or better yet, the government, the regime there falls, where, you know, the world chills out.

Right? Where it’s not our problem anymore. When we can focus on North America and our trade partners in Europe and Africa and what have you. And, you know, we can take care of our hemisphere and not have to bother with too much of the rest. I mean, I think it’d still be valuable for the U .S. to provide, to protect trade around the world, but not totally. It doesn’t have to be entirely our business, right? India can protect the Indian Ocean. Japan has it in the best interest to protect their home waters in the North Pacific. Right? You know, we, I’ve talked about this.

We could live in a world, Australia, their territory, I mean, we could live in a world where we kind of share those responsibilities around a little bit. And it’s good for everybody, right? Good for us, good for them. So, there’s a bright future out there. I just don’t want to be in the one where because we were weak, because we let the bad guys get the upper hand, my sons are gonna have to go fight in Poland and the Pacific. That’s not what I want. That would be bad, right? My family has already sacrificed enough.

for our country’s security, we don’t need to sacrifice anymore. And other families have sacrificed even more than we have. So let’s not go there. Let’s not make more sacrifices. So with that, I encourage everyone to go look up Inside Israel News on the Etsy store. Lots of cool stuff there for you to check out. And you can also get a link there from insideisrael .news. If you have X or if you’re on X, please.

find inside Israel news there. I try to keep people up to date on kind of a day -to -day basis with the news, share some interesting memes, you know, some other stuff. As with all things, you know, sometimes I just share things because they’re funny or interesting. And then, you know, the community notes will come back and, well, this wasn’t precisely accurate, that wasn’t precisely, I wasn’t, you know, sometimes you share things you don’t intend to be accurate. They’re funny or they’re interesting or, you know, this kind of thing. So I don’t know. Sometimes I actually like things just so that…

get the community notification because I’m interested to find out if it is actually true. Anyway, so good stuff there. Honestly, hope you’re having a good spring. Allergy season’s coming on, but we’re looking forward to the future here, having my seventh child this summer. And my very pregnant wife is looking forward to popping that one out. So that’s kind of what we’re up to.

after seven children, this is number seven, I finally will have two daughters. So lots of sons and finally a second daughter. So I’m really glad and excited about that. Had the experience of taking my eight year old daughter last year to get her ears pierced. And I was just, you know, it was a very good daddy daughter moment, but it was kind of sad. Like this is the only time I’m gonna get to do this and only have one girl to buy jewelry for and.

you know, cute clothes and bags and this kind of thing and stuff that she likes, you know. You know, I don’t discourage her from being girly, but she’s plenty tomboy, believe me. She keeps her brothers on their toes, you know. She tells them what to do. Anyway, and now thankfully I’ll get to do that again. So I’m happy about that. So I am, you know, excited about the near future and the future in general. So that’s always a good thing to be. With that, I will say goodbye, l’hitraot.

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