The Harris Hoodwink

Vivek Ramaswamy was right. The Democrats are dragging this out as far as they can to get. They got close to the election and then drop a “passion play bomb.” Now, they can drive over the GOP and into a field goal. This is why I see: the news of today as a pass of the ball to get more yardage. “If” Harris can convince “the powers that be” that she can take the ball all the way in to November 5th, 2024, she has until Monday the 19th of August, 2024, the start of the Democratic National Convention, to prove it! When you see the colossal lies, deceptive tactics, and fraud perpetrated on the American people by the democrats, in foisting Joe “Burden” on America just so Obama could have a third term, many of you held out hope they would try to ride “Uncle Joe” to the finish line. They labored so hard we hoped “they would run what they brung.” Only to be hoisted upon their own petard!

But alas, the democrats play 3D chess while most GOP are looking for the checkers pieces. That being the case and Vivek Ramaswamy being one of the best chess players we have, his words are haunting. I do not think we are looking at the real Presidential candidate in Kamala Harris. There is one good thing in this turn of events: Joe Biden finally gets to go home. What we witnessed happening to him, driven by the avarice of the DNC and it’s minions, I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. Now are they invoking the 25th Amendment section III, effective Monday…? Is Harris now acting President? Either way, this will give Dems temporary momentum, HARRIS will struggle for a VP and still there’s the DNC, with their Super delegates.

Stay tuned!

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