Tom Del Beccaro’s Latest Columns

If you read Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report, you know that Mueller and his crew judged President Trump's intent based on his actions. As we wait for Mueller’s date with Congress, it's a good time to consider Mueller's own intent. Based on his actions, the report

Now that Joe Biden has officially announced his candidacy, it is time to point out the obvious. There are twenty or so announced Democrat candidates running for president — except they are not. Some know they can’t win and, among them, they have ulterior motives. Running for

The release Thursday of the redacted report of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe of Russia’s interference in our 2016 presidential election should mark the end of a long, expensive and pointless investigation. It was an investigation that damaged the American legal

The race for the 2020 Democratic nomination has turned into a competition to tax and spend your money. Apparently, it is also a competition as to who can make the most false claims about America. Former Texas Rep. Beto O’Rourke won’t be outdone in either regard, including his claims

Elizabeth Warren is on the bandwagon. Kamala Harris too. Impatient Democrat power brokers are trying to sell Americans on scrapping the Electoral College. While they claim to care about the will of the people, their actual reasons are quite reckless. Fortunately, in