Trump Deports Criminal Aliens
First let me say these things; my youngest daughter is “Afro-Latina.” There are Latinos in my life I love like family, and can’t distinguish them from biological family. The opening to my podcast show is done by one of those I love like family. Having said that, I also have two people I loved like family who were murdered by illegal aliens in two unrelated separate incidents. Antione Lee was the first to be taken away from us. He was gunned down, he was unarmed and he didn’t know the person that took him from his wife, his children and myself. Then Eric Zapeda was lost to a drunk driving, illegal alien. I helped raise him from diapers and lived to see his mother make the impossible choice to let him continue on to glory! I even have a friend Agnes Gibboney she immigrated to America the right way, only to have her child be gunned down by an illegal alien for coming to the rescue of the person the illegal alien was attacking. Our neighbors and so called allies owe us a better level of respect than to unleash these kinds of monsters upon us. We wake to seeing a woman burned alive for nothing. If a parent had an unruly child, we would expect them to take control over that child. Your nation of origin is your parent. We haven’t even received an apology for the minor young ladies raped and murdered. No accountability, no spirit of cooperation to stop this flood of sex trafficking, murder, drugs and rapes, muzzles to those who cross illegally just to provide their families a better life. The irony, the horror; so in the spirit of do onto others as you would have done unto you and respecting the laws of the nation you find yourself in, we have no choice! Don’t conflate this sad situation with the tropes of bigotry, hatred, and racism. Ignore the hustler who wants to socially profit from this. We are doing this for one reason and one reason alone, love of family…