[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Donald Trump continues to lead I the polls, now Minnesota and Virginia are in play. Who will be Trump's VP nominee? Israel wraps up major operation in Gaza and switches gears to longer term control

The American experiment with Freedom began with a Constitution based on the consent of the governed — not the edicts of a monarch who claimed unlimited, divine rights. Paired with that radical concept of self-governance, the

Last year, California Gov. Gavin Newsom was astride the national political stage as people wondered whether he would be running for president. Now, Newsom is nowhere to be found outside California. The reasons are simple and they include the

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Around the country, protests on college campuses this spring spiraled out of control, disrupting commencements and exposing the rot within higher education. How the encampments arose may not be Joe Biden’s fault. They are in

As the 2024 election nears, the two major presidential candidates Biden and Trump will be front and center in the public eye.  It’s likely that at least some of their speeches will disclose their policy