Biden and Media Downplay Islamist Terrorism
Joe Biden, the leftists, and their media outlets try to make big of the fact these two were not “Illegals.” Let us not lose focus that our preparedness must be for all enemies, foreign and domestic! Our nation has had to grapple with domestic enemies before (Civil War I). We must not be distracted or paralyzed by what wreaks of “Deep State” misdirection. When I was a peace officer I learned there are no coincidences. The enemies of America are “stat checking” us again. If we believe the pablum and propaganda they are spoon feeding us, they know they stand a chance of regaining power over this nation and over us! #JoeBurden took his sweet time returning to Washington D.C. after the New Orleans horrific terrorist attack, which rivaled the death toll in San Bernardino and claimed the life of my friend. Come to think of it, Obama also took his sweet time too responding to San Bernardino, Ca. #JoeBurden seemed to italicize the fact these two “terrorists” were Americans. As if that nullifies their heinous treachery or dulls the fact that our borders have made us vulnerable to foreign actors from a 100 different nations! Yet, the left wants us to remain “complacent” by pointing out the fact they were Americans. Yes they were and I say they were not because they are deceased, I say they “were” Americans because at the exact moment they decided to kill Americans for their Ideologies or political opinions, they ceased to be Americans. Am I the only one who thinks the timing of #JoeBurden was in poor taste issuing the second highest honor to two individuals who trampled on the constitutional rights of those Americans snared in the January 6th setup of 2021? When we step back and look at the beast whole, we can see intertwined in their attempt to appear patriotic, their absolute disdain and well, hatred, for Americans.

How callous, vicious and insipid are they. And even to this date, not one phone call of sympathy and condolences from the American President for those Americans slaughtered by the Ideology of ISIS. He was too busy to bother as he was pinning a medal on the likes of Liz Cheney! The disgraceful black female FBI agent government employee with the bronzed booger in her nose engaged in the worse effort of deflection I’ve seen thus far: everyone saw the ISIS FLAG and IEDs except the DEI who called it a FALSE FLAG!!! The incompetent police chief of New Orleans would have us believe the terrorists are simply smarter than we are. When we as Americans already know better than this and the ensuing investigations, I suspect, will reveal not only incompetency, it will show complacency and quite possibly some level of complicity in the New Orleans attack. It doesn’t matter if the killers are (UVI’s) Undocumented Violent Intruders or home grown killers. Our defenses must not be politically charged with whether or not the threat comes from illegals, radicals or the mentally unstable. This weakens our effectiveness as we have seen in these two recent attacks against our sovereignty. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice and America needs to wake up and get deadly serious about protecting American lives and our guests. Our security measures simply have to use all resources, experience and dedication applied to protecting Americans. Remembering something we seem to have forgotten since 9/11, we have to be right every time! Because our enemies foreign or domestic only have to be right once!