[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] President Trump, speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference recently, said the Mueller probe was, "Trying to take me out with bullsh*t." The increasing silence from

In the State of the Union (SOTU) President Trump addressed a key security concern of his administration: strategic defense. Nuclear weapons have been used for many years

Back in 2004, Dan Rather issued an apology regarding the story he concocted over the military service of G.W. Bush. He said it was a "mistake

President Trump’s recent State of the Union speech (SOTU) elucidated a very different political landscape than the one that prevailed just a few years ago.

Much has been written and testimony given about how China steals state secrets.   It steals by all means available in what is termed, industrial espionage. The

China on the Rise It took decades after the death of Mao Zedong, one of history’s greatest mass murders, and the fall of the Soviet Union to