[vc_row][vc_column][penci_text_block heading="Inside Israel News"] The Knesset has formally dissolved and called for new elections; the fourth election in two years. Will Netanyahu win another term? Can his latest competitor unseat him?[/penci_text_block][/vc_column][/vc_row]

There were many facets of voter fraud and many layers of corruption that led to former Vice President Joe Biden’s purported win. Vote counting machines that shifted votes among candidates, insecure mail-in ballots, and suspicious

With significant, and now blatantly obvious, election fraud, the results of the 2020 Election at this point must be set aside for a contingent election in the House of Representatives. It is an opportunity to

As Americans continue the attempt to sort out a contentious Presidential election fraught with voter fraud, Israel’s political challenges have not abated. A Biden Presidency means, at the very least, a lowering of Israel in

Media malfeasance is an important component of election fraud. The media may not have skewed the vote counting or delivered hundreds of thousands of ballots in trucks to election offices in the early morning hours

One side believes there is rampant election fraud and wants the courts to correct the error by overturning the results. The other believes they have won, even though the election is incomplete, and will not

Several paths remain open to Donald Trump in his pursuit of the Presidency. If the President refuses to concede and if his popular base continues to support him, he can continue to seek legal action.

Statistically speaking, without digging into the details of the claims of voter fraud, the 2020 election results published thus far are completely implausible. They buck every trend in American politics and violate the standards by

On election night, it became clear the Donald Trump had won a second term as President. The results showed he had commanding leads in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Georgia and North Carolina were already won,

Nearly 90 million votes have already been cast in early voting across the country. Polls from the most accurate pollsters of 2016 show Trump leading in most battleground states or statistically tied. Will election day