It was not long ago that China loomed large on the horizon. Their fast-growing economy and seemingly limitless human resources meant China could build up its military and slowly buy up US debt instruments. The

The Brexit deadline has been extended to autumn of 2019. European and British leaders hope to reach some kind of deal between then and now. Meanwhile, the British House of Commons has rejected every proposed Brexit deal. With

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu is on course for reelection in spite of significant popular support for the centre-left Blue and White Party. This new party, led by General Benny Gantz and former Finance Minister and journalist

The “Green New Deal,” set forth by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and backed by far-left activists, seeks to impose a command economy (socialism) on the US under the pretext of environmentalism. The plan, if implemented, would grant

In the State of the Union (SOTU) President Trump addressed a key security concern of his administration: strategic defense. Nuclear weapons have been used for many years to deter aggression by other nuclear powers. Russia has recently issued

President Trump’s recent State of the Union speech (SOTU) elucidated a very different political landscape than the one that prevailed just a few years ago. Today, it is the Democrats who are “conservative,” in that

China on the Rise It took decades after the death of Mao Zedong, one of history’s greatest mass murders, and the fall of the Soviet Union to bring China into the global economy. President Deng Xiaoping, the same

For many years the United States has pursued a policy of international interventionism. President Donald Trump is changing this approach and is setting a new foreign policy doctrine. The course change has upset many in

The full results of the Midterm elections and there are many facets that still require examination. The headlines seem to focus on the Democrats gaining a majority in the House of Representatives. Equally noteworthy are

With so much on the line, there is considerable excitement about the 2018 midterms. On November 6th, voters will go to the polls to determine who controls the two houses of Congress and thus, what