Joe Biden Stage-Managed the Entire "High-Tech Lynching" of Clarence Thomas; now the Left Wants Him to Apologize to His Star Actress, Anita Hill. Anita Hill at the Clarence Thomas Supreme Court Nomination Hearings I've been confused about

She’s a deeply troubled and fragile woman. She was definitely victimized somehow, somewhere at sometime. The people she claimed were at the party, the attack at which she cites as the sole source of her

Every town has one – that project that simply appeared one day. The other day on the “Next Door” phone app a neighbor complained about just such a project whose estimated costs were in the

At President Trump’s ‘listening session’ last week at the White House, parents, students and educators came together to offer ideas on how to prevent the next disastrous school massacre. D.C. educators spoke of using metal detectors

I’m glad the FCC ditched the Orwellian inspired “net neutrality” regulations last Thursday. Under the government controlled so-called “net neutrality,” the internet would be treated like your utility. Think how much you like your cable company. Beta or VHS?

The Pacific Northwest’s fires don’t interest people much for the same reason that people in New York and D.C. don’t understand why Westerners like pick ups, SUVs and guns. You’ll notice, however,  that those items have

On Saturday, I was able to spend some quality time with a buddy of mine from Oregon who was in the San Diego area to help paint her daughter’s place. She cut-in while I manned the

News of a water-sucking drought in California apparently j-u-u-ust came over the transom to our lawmakers mere seconds ago. In response, our savvy Sacramento swashbuckling legislators have now taken out their mighty divining rods, put their

Elle Decor features designer who shows off art displays of man-boy “love”. In case you’re unclear: this is wrong.v When the recession hit our house in wave after wave, nearly all resources were diverted to food, housing,

Governor John Kitzhaber left office Wednesday. He resigned because he had broken an ethical contract with the people of Oregon and this time the official media actually bothered to report it. Officially, the Oregon Democrat, who won an unprecedented