The California reservoirs are full as we approach the Winter - but will California be smart enough to build capacity for future residents? Keep in mind the Left and Democrat gov't leaders in CA want CA

The CNN headline says it all: "Trump Ends DACA But Gives Congress Window To Save It."  FOR NOW, it is a pretty savvy move by Trump.  First, he can say he kept a campaign promise

Our September 6th Newsmaker is Stephen Moore. Stephen Moore is an economist and writer. Moore is a Distinguished Visiting Fellow with the Heritage Foundation and a Founder, along with Art Laffer, Steve Forbes and Larry Kudlow

The economist Richard Rahn makes the argument well that corporate tax reform is needed.  Where once we led the world in tax reform, we are now lagging. We will not be able to have sustained

The Washington Post tells us that the future leadership of the Democrats wants to replace Obamacare with a single-payer (read taxpayer) health-care system.  That will amount to a significant movement to the Left for the

Here is the so-called Republican leader Chad Mayes on twitter. 1. He compares himself to Reagan. 2. Below the top tweet he says there is no Assembly Republican support for current Cap & Trade bill - and,

Did the Republicans win the House, the Senate and the Presidency the last election? Do they have a major legislative victory to their name? The answers, of course, are yes and no. So why one

Did President Trump obstruct justice? The Left is in an all-out war to make Trump a one-term president and to stop his policy agenda. Rather than primarily fight Trump over policy, the Left is fighting Trump

The Republicans do not have a major legislative victory so far despite controlling the House, the Senate and the Presidency. Much of that is attributable to Republicans in Congress wanting to tread lightly politically so

The 2016 election is in the books. President Trump won the vote that counts – the Electoral College vote. California went for Hillary and its governing politicians are fighting Trump tooth and nail. Indeed, rather