As the start of the day, I wrote this An endless number of people on the Left complain about what America isn't and then tell us what America should be.  They seek to tear down statues,

So, the Republicans unveiled their Tax Reform Plan.  There are many legitimate questions about a "plan" that has yet to be written in detail. With taxes, AS A LEGAL MATTER, every single word counts.  Nothing

The deadline is fast approaching.  Republicans have until September 30th to repeal and replace Obamacare. Will they be able to do it? My latest in Forbes: Next Stop: A Republican ObamaCare Bailout if This Repeal Fails?

No, Trump Didn’t Break The Law By Suggesting NFL Firings I wrote the book The Divided Era. The purpose of which is for people to recognize the magnitude and source of our current divisions, which are

Elizabeth Warren is a darling of the Far Left.  She got there by attacking big business/Wall Street.  She goes after the one percenters in general. It is widely known, of course, that she has done quite

On the 5 year Anniversary of writing for Forbes, I ask the question: Who Needs Tax Reform To Pass More: America Or The Republicans In Congress? As important as Healthcare is to many Americans, achieving sustained economic

President Trump had a unique opportunity today - to address the World.  Like those before him, he gave a careful crafted speech.  He also provided a full-throated pro-American speech - no apologies. Here are my favorite

President Trump promised to repeal Obamacare on “Day 1.” The problem, of course, was the Republican Congress wasn’t ready to do that – despite the passage of 8 years of rhetorical repeals and votes. Few recall that

Every election since 2008 has been about Obamacare to one degree or another. Should we do it? How do we fix it?  Should we repeal it and replace it?  The Republicans in Congress told us

There was a time when American children were taught American history and "civics."  In recent decades that has fallen by the wayside in favor of social studies and the concern over political correctness. Of course, it