We live in The Divided Era.  One aspect of that is our division over the Media. As I wrote in the Washington Times, in the run up to the presidential election a year ago, "Media bias

The headline from The Hill does not tell the whole story. Brazile’s revelations stir confusion, anger among Democrats Inside the story, this line told much more: "Some Democrats are calling for party reform, while others are downplaying Brazile's

Robert Mueller should resign as special counsel.  Here is why: 1. He cannot be participant and fact finder/prosecutor. Whatever the Russia investigation entails (and apparently it was not limited by the Justice Department), it involves the

Do higher tax rates affect human behavior? As the nation considers tax reform, according to a report, taxes on pot in California could reach as high as 45% for the consumer. Combined with the slew of

The news, at first blush, sounds ominous. However, the indictment of Paul Manafort and his business associate on 12 counts is unrelated to the 2016 election. They have to do with his private business dealings. That raises

As the prospects for tax reform rev up, the Left is trotting out a succession of false narratives to combat it. One of those narratives is that it will only help the rich and will feed

Here we are again discussing the good and bad of tax rate reduction. For those against it, then abandon common sense like there is no tomorrow.  They literally blame tax rate reduction on bad economic times

So now we know that Hillary's campaign financed at least part of the infamous Trump Dossier. But that isn't even the half of it. Do you trust the FBI?  Did you trust the FBI under President

This is the headline from Investor's Business Daily: This Is Rich: Democrats Fight To Protect A $1.8 Trillion Tax Break That Benefits The Top 1% The U.S. Tax is the ultimate spoil's contest. American politicians use their

From the Anaheim Convention of the California Republican Party: The California Republican Party held its bi-annual convention in Anaheim last weekend.  Here is my assessment of the weekend.  Please note I was the former Chairman of