One of the worse things a person can do is Drink and Drive! This horrific disrespect to others is compounded when the drunk driver is someone who doesn't even have to drive themselves at all.

As if doing that something is to take away American rights and access to weapons under the 2nd Amendment. There another ways to "DO SOMETHING!" In each state we have enough retired peace officers, Veterans,

Mommy, Daddy I'm in heaven now. Please don't cry. To the person who hurt me though I don't understand why still I forgive you, I ask everyone: please try. Taking away guns is not how

Now I don't want this to be too complicated here, but I must show everyone why the left are once again creating a crisis. So I will keep this simple, while the talking heads are

I hold respect for women who lead and I truly believe that in administrative leadership roles they can do and be anything a man can be or do. One of the best leaders I worked

Good morning all, let me start my words by praying to our Father God and say; "Lord God, I will not strike the rock, I won't strike the rock, though your people saddened and frustrated

What's happening in the Ukraine is sickening and wrong, but in order to stop it, in order to ensure it doesn't happen again, we must accept and understand the root cause of this bloody

Just one more reason I'm glad I didn't waste "Eye Ball Juice" on this crap! Will Smith is a great disappointment, this was more about blacks with opposing political view points than Jada, and as

With great respect for the loss of life in these terrible days of conflict between Russia and the Ukraine, the issues that surround Ukraine spanning back to the Trump Presidency and before added to the